Άλλη μια κοπέλα που διάλεξε την Χίο για να πάρει εμπειρίες από Ελλάδα !!! Είναι πολλά τα παιδιά που διάλεξαν την Χίο, εμείς για να τους δείξουμε την αγάπη μας εκτός από την γενναιόδωρη φιλοξενία μας το μόνο που μπορούμε να κάνουμε είναι να τους αφήσουμε να μιλάνε μόνη τους για την εμπειρία τους!!
Έχω ρωτήσει πολλά παιδιά και όλοι είναι πρόθυμη να μου πουν την γνώμη τους ( Θα δείτε σιγά σιγά πολλές απόψεις από πολλά μέρη του κόσμου!)
My name is Dinah, I am 20 years old and I come from Germany. I spent 12
months on Chios Island. After I returned to Germany in the End of September, I
moved to Chemnitz to study European Studies at the university.
I had just graduated from school when I decided to take one year off to
do a voluntary service abroad. I found out that there is a program called
European Voluntary Service under Erasmus+ and I thought that this could be the
perfect way for me to do something totally different to what my life looked
like before.
I found many nice projects all over Europe, but the project I decided to
join in the end, was called „Experimental“ TES and took place on Chios Island.
I was not particularly attracted by the place in the first moment. I haven’t
even heard anything about this island before and I was mainly focused on the
great program where I could fit in very well and where I would learn many
interesting things.
When I arrived on the island it quickly turned out, that I didn’t just find a fantastic project, but also a beautiful and cozy island where I was excited to spend the next year of my life. I was very surprised when I found out that it isn’t a very touristic place. But this fact seemed even more charming to me. The island is authentic and original. I saw crazy car drivers, many taxis, bumpy streets, many small old but also modern houses with its own character, many street cats and dogs, palm-, citrus- and most important for the island mastic trees, mountains and much beautiful blue water. It is just stunning to look at
the sea and to watch the glittery lights that shine from Turkey in the night, the sunrises from the eastern part of the island and the sunsets from the western part.
All those characteristics and many more made
this island so special and became home to me after a short time. For me, the
year on Chios Island opened my horizon, I learned many things regarding
independence, skills for my future professional life, social skills, cultural
understanding and european feeling. Europe itself doesn’t seem that big to me
During work, at home and in my free time I spent much time in our
little multi cultured group of volunteers. Those friendships are the most
precious things I took with me from my year on Chios Island. They are living in
different corners of Europe and I am already looking forward to visit them
there one day! Until now, we already met a few times and I am sure we will stay
in contact.

In the beginning our project only took place in the village Vrontados,
where I spent 12 months living and working. I lived together with always around
four to five other volunteers from all over Europe and we all worked for the
organization „Experimental“ TES. For those who don’t know, the organization
„Experimental“ TES is a non-profit organization which offers next to other
activities like Summer and New Technology Activities also volunteers who go to
schools of Chios Island where they assist and support the
local teachers. During the school year 2014/2015 we had a variety of tasks
including painting the school yards, creating work shops for children, but also
crafting and supporting teachers by preparing projects, presentations and
costumes for celebrations. We always gave our cultural input when it suited to
the project, so the children got to know differences and similarities between
various european countries. I for example helped the sports teacher of the
third primary school of Vrontados to create an international dance celebration,
where the whole school danced dances from all over Europe and because of my
origin also from Africa. The work in the primary schools was always fun and I
felt so well accepted by the teachers and the children. Especially the children
were curious and very lovely. Sometimes they crafted things for us and made us
little presents which mad all of us very happy. I loved the work with children
on this island. I noticed that Chios’ children were very open minded and
curious towards our different cultures and also very polite. As I experienced
living in a German city, German people are not that warm hearted with each
other as Greeks if they don’t know each other. I appreciated and loved this
welcoming mentality.

Since the summer 2015 our project extended and also took place in the
village Katarraktis. So, I luckily had the chance to visit the small village
various times. I was very surprised by the openminded and warmhearted mentality
that everybody in the village put in us volunteers. There was always a huge support
and kindness from the side of the parents with whose children our volunteers
worked, but also from the rest of the village’s inhabitants. I remember having
great evenings sitting in a tavern together with the volunteers and locals
talking and laughing for hours. I loved those relaxed moments where so many
different cultures met each other and just had a great time together.
Katarraktis in general isn’t a big village, but the inhabitants bring so much
life in this small place! One day, we joined a little party in Katarraktis and
for all of us volunteers it seriously was one of the best parties we had on
this island and in general! We had so much fun together, old and young locals.
It was a family feeling there. So Katarraktis and its inhabitants are definitely
worth visiting. I am looking forward to see Chios including Katarraktis again
as soon as possible.
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